Chinese Pot Farmer Arrested in Washington, USA

by Admin on December 8, 2017

US Police have seized $80 million worth of marijuana in an illegal pot-growing plant run by 50 Chinese nationals in Washington State.

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The raid found 35,000 plants, and 50 pounds of processed marijuana, 26 vehicles, and $400,000 in cash was confiscated by police. Authorities suspect the plant was producing the product for cities on the East Coast where the prices are more expensive. A drug task force had search warrants for 50 locations including 38 in the Gray Harbor County.

Washington had legalized the creation and distribution of marijuana in 2012. However, states such as Washington that have legalized this trade are an attraction for Chinese gangsters who set up illegal factories to “dodge a tax payment”, says Gray Harbor’s county Sherriff.

Read the full story here

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Image: Cheifyc

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