Announcements :
University Law Programs Thailand :
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Business Law Program, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Contact Faculty of Law
Doctor of Laws (LL.D.), The Graduate School,Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand Contact RU University
Master of Laws (LL.M.), Office of Graduate Studies, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand Contact Graduate Studies |
Thailand Law and Legal Seminars and Conferences |
FIFTH LABOR LAW & WAGE UPDATE 2009 (Thai language), 14-15 January 2009, Bangkok. Organized by The Asia Business Forum.
BOI-PROJECT COMPLIANCE 20 February 2009, Pathumwan Princess, Bangkok. Organized by The Irving Seminar.
COMPANY SECURITIES LAWS & REGULATIONS, 13-14 January 2009, Kuala Lumpur. Organized by The Asia Business Forum.
5TH LABOR LAW & WAGE UPDATES 2009, 14-15 January 2009, Bangkok. Organized by The Asia Business Forum.
CORPORATE LEGAL COUNSEL, 11-12 February 2009, Kuala Lumpur. Organized by The Asia Business Forum.

Law Roundup – Significant Changes to
Thai Laws in 2008
Mutual fund companies, excluding property funds, are required to disclose their investment portfolios on a monthly basis, instead of bi-yearly as formerly. This new regulation by the Stock Exchange Commission was intended to make current information available for investors wishing to invest in mutual funds in volatile on |
Buying a Condominium in Thailand : By way of background, the law governing condominiums was enacted as Condominium Act, B.E. 2522 (1979). This law was liberalized to allow foreign investment in condominiums by Condominium Act (No. 2), B.E. 2534 (1991) on |
The Liability for Damages Caused by Unsafe Goods Act B.E. 2551 : The Liability for Damages Caused by Unsafe Goods Act B.E. 2551 (the “Product Liability Law”), which will be effective for products sold on or after 20 February 2009, holds “entrepreneurs” jointly liable to “damaged parties” for damages caused by unsafe goods sold to on |
2008 Amendments to the Condominium Act : On July 4, 2008, for the first time since 1999, the Condominium Act of 1979 was amended (the “2008 Condominium Act Amendments”). The purpose of these amendments was to provide additional protection to buyers of condominium units and to make the existing protections more on |
Law Journal: Selected Article |
Corporate Governance in Thailand: What Has Been Done Since the 1997 Financial Crisis? |
This article examines the extent of changes in corporate governance in Thailand since the 1997 financial crisis. Discusses the governance problems in the corporate sector before the crisis and the subsequent improvements to regulation and market forces, regarding: (1) the rights and treatment of minority shareholders; (2) the structure and responsibilities of the board of directors; (3) the rights and role of stakeholders and institutional investors, focusing on creditors, employees and institutional investors; and (4) financial transparency and disclosures. Suggests further improvements. This article was originally publish in the Vol. 3, No. 4, 2006 edition of the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance. It is re-published here with the kind permission of Palgrave Macmillan and Obeua Persons. |
Law Journal: Selected Article |
The 2010 Election in Burma - A Hopeless Avenue for Human Rights |
The article is presented by the Burma Lawyers Council, a non-profit organization based in Tak Province, Thailand. The article provides an analysis of the 2010 election process in Burma and the recently drafted constitution in Burma from a human rights law perspective. |
Law Journal: Selected Article |
Internet and Intellectual Property |
The article describes the challenges and innovative solutions created by an increasingly Internet-oriented and digital age. Legislators have had to adapt existing legal frameworks, in particular with regard to intellectual property rights, and draft new laws, to meet the challenges of the Internet and digital technologies. |
Featured Popular Law Articles: |
Fugitives in Thailand
“The game is over.” Those were reported to be the words arms dealer Viktor Bout uttered as he was confronted by American Drug Enforcement Agency and Royal Thai Police officers at the luxury Sofitel Hotel in downtown Bangkok this past March...more |
Patient Rights in Thailand's Booming Medical Tourism Industry
Little did Margaret Richter know that the night she assisted her sick husband onto the flight to Bangkok would be the last she would ever see him alive more |
Defrauded in Thailand !
There was nothing much to distinguish Tony Shaughnessy from the thousands of other new expatriate arrivals in Thailand. more |
Transsexuals and Thai Law
Walk down almost any busy street in Thailand, especially in a tourist hotspot such as Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket, and chances are good that you will see at least one Thai transsexual .more |

Duties of husband and wife, maintenance, child support, divorce, father, mother, parents, parental power, custody
The defendant (wife) requested the court to order the plaintiff (husband) to pay maintenance to the defendant and the children on a monthly basis as the plaintiff had not provided such after he left the family. The District Court's judgment ordering the plaintiff to pay child support is appropriate as is the Court's decree for the defendant to be given sole custody of the children. However, the Court cannot order the plaintiff to pay maintenance to the defendant as requested when the lower courts have not granted a divorce to the parties. The reason the lower courts have not granted a divorce is because the defendant's intentions not to divorce the plaintiff became apparent during the court proceeding.
Creation Center Company Limited vs. Mr. Piroon Singhsuksawad et al.
The three defendants violated the copyrighted literary work of the plaintiff repeatedly, altered the information, photos on the website, and the product advertisements. The three defendants therefore violated section 27 and section 31 of the Copyright Act when they used the information regarding the plaintiff's water filter system to produce their own water filter product publication for dissemination to their clients. However, the defendants did not violate section 30 for works related to computer programs. |
Sale of Immovable Property
In this case, the plaintiff transferred some of the property, acquired within a period of 5 years, to her legal child. The transfer in this instance comes under the category of sale of property as defined in the Revenue Code. However, because the plaintiff granted partial land ownership rights to her legal child, and the transfer did not involve compensation, the ownership of the land is not deemed the sale of immovable property for commercial purposes and the plaintiff is not required to pay the Specific Business tax
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