Thai Police Arrest Three Volunteer Teachers in Immigration Raid

by Admin on August 23, 2018

Rights groups are roundly denouncing a recent raid that resulted in the arrest of three teachers who are accused of engaging in work without a permit.

The three teachers, who are currently being detained, taught impoverished migrant children in their free time at a small school at Laem Nok monastery in Bana subdistrict of Pattani province.

Their detainment has sparked outrage among social media and numerous rights groups who are demanding that they are released.

In Thailand, it is illegal to engage in any work that explicitly permitted under a work permit. The three teachers were only permitted to work in their regular jobs in a nearby factory and construction site.

The three teachers face being blacklisted, fined, and deported back to their native Myanmar.

But according to the Thai-based Migrants Working Group and Human Rights and Development Foundation, volunteer teaching is legal in Thailand making the raid illegitimate and wholly unjustified.

The raid of the monastery is just the latest in Thailand’s harsh crackdown on migrant workers from the surrounding countries who are engaging in undocumented labor.

Read the full story here.

For issues concerning immigration or labor rights in Thailand, contact one of the expert Thai immigration lawyers at Chaninat & Leeds.

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